Monday 7 December 2009

Kids Cross Safely

Kids Cross Safely is a campaign to change legislation.

At the moment in the United Kingdom there are Local Authorities that govern local areas.They are called Councils.

The Local Council deals with transport issues.

Did you know that the Local Council considers a criteria when deciding when to put in pedestrian crossings on roads.

This criteria is normally

How many cars ?
How many pedestrians?
How many accidents?

They do a survey.

Did you know that if a school wishes to have a pedestrian crossing it has to pass this criteria.

What KIDS CROSS SAFELY want to do is to change legislation so that this criteria does not apply near a school.

We believe that children have a right to be safe when going to and from school.They have a right to have all safety controls near a school.They have a right to be safe.

Help us give children a voice and help us protect the children.

Children should not die or be seriously injured for a school to fit the criteria.

Help us save lives.Its simple really.